Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ths Weeks Updates...

Well, it has been a long week for me. Mommy had to leave me for the first time last Friday. She went to Purdue University for her sorority. She came back the very next day in almost 24 hours, but I missed her. Not as much probably as she missed me. Daddy and I went to his softball games Friday night and then went shopping with Uncle Kenny on Sat. By the time I knew it, Mommy had returned. She was so excited to see me and could not stop giving me hugs and kisses. My two teeth are growing in nicely. Mommy is still trying to get those pictures, but I am still winning that one.. HEHEHEHE... Well thanks for checking in. Update you soon...

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hey Cole! Long time no talk! Not like we can really "talk" yet, but you get my drift! I'm sure your Mommy missed you lots while on her trip! My Mommy and Daddy leave me with my grandparents overnight often...(due to their requests only) and after about the 5th or 6th time Mommy was finally able to stop crying after she left me! I'm not sure why b/c I'm always fine when she's not around, but I have to say I give out big smiles for her when she returns! I'm sure you had lots of fun with your Daddy too! Daddy time is sooo much fun...especially for a little guy like you!